These series of pictures show the modeling progress when creating the P40. It's not an detailed step by step
description but will give you a hint about how to model an airplane in 3D.
I've just finished editing reference images and setting up the reference scene.
I'm here working on the basic shape. I started out with a 10-sided cylinder, cut vertically a couple of times an put it into a hypernurb object.
I move points to get the shape of the cross sections (hidden in this screenshot but you can see them in the object manager). For the first time I'm using C4D 9.5.
Here I have cut out the wings shape on the side of the fuselage. I have extruded the wing and I'm adjusting points to get the correct shape. The hypernurb subdivision is set to 2.
Some progress
Pretty much finished with modeling. Interior, undercarriage and various details added.
Some texturing work done..